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How to Overcome Childhood Trauma

Nancy MacGregor MA, ATR-BC, LPC, ACS, Clinical Director

For the most part, children are considered highly resilient. It is the child’s ability to bounce back from nearly any situation that has led to this characterization. Nonetheless, there are childhood experiences that, unless resolved, can affect an individual well into adulthood. Childhood trauma therapy and family issues therapy can be helpful tools while healing your inner child.

Childhood Trauma Therapy in South Jersey

Ideally, a child receives treatment relatively quickly following his or her traumatic experience. However, if this is not the case and the trauma is left unresolved, psychological and emotional consequences frequently result.

What is an Inner Child?

Some people visualize their inner child as a direct reflection of themselves when they were young. This reflection may represent an array of images embodying the developmental stages of life. Others may consider their inner child to be a symbol of their youthful wishes and playfulness. Nonetheless, there are those who do not associate childhood with thoughts of future dreams and fun, but instead as a time of vulnerability, and pain.

Why People Bury Their Pain

Emotional pain, traumatic experience(s) and neglect are some of the most common childhood experiences that cause people to bury their pain. The goal of hiding this pain is usually to protect the inner child as well as the present self. However, by burying this pain it is never resolved and this unresolved pain negatively affects adult life.

Unresolved Pain from Childhood Can Affect an Individual’s Adult Life

When this pain from childhood resurfaces, it may emerge and place strain on personal relationships. In addition, sometimes this pain makes it difficult for an individual to meet his or her own needs. By working with a mental health professional who has experience providing childhood trauma therapy, patients can heal their inner child and stop the pain.

Addressing Childhood Trauma With Family Issues Therapy

Many times, people minimize their traumatic childhood events, give in to feelings of guilt and self-blame, or they just dismiss these events altogether. Therefore, the first step in the healing process is for the individual to acknowledge the traumatic event, recognize it for what it is and realize that he or she is not responsible for the event.

4 Things Patients Must Do to Resolve Childhood Trauma

1. Take Control

Sometimes a feeling of helplessness carries over to adulthood. When this happens, an individual may continue feeling like a victim. As a victim, the patient’s past controls his or her present; therefore, a perpetual victim makes his or her choices based on the pain experienced in the past. Once an individual conquers the pain resulting from a past childhood trauma, he or she is in complete control of the present.

2. Connect With Others

Many people who survive traumatic events instinctively withdraw from those around them. Nevertheless, this instinct must be disregarded, otherwise the likelihood of the feelings getting worse increases. A large part of overcoming childhood trauma relies on maintaining relationships and seeking support. Some patients find that engaging with other childhood trauma survivors helps them feel more comfortable about discussing the specific circumstances of their childhood. These kinds of support groups are available at Harmony Bay Wellness in South Jersey.

3. Be Patient

After a child is seriously hurt, he or she develops emotions that are out of control. In addition, letting go of the feelings of hopelessness, distorted perceptions and acquired defense mechanisms can be difficult, nonetheless, with a commitment to therapy, these issues can be accomplished.

4. Recognize and Honor Your Progress

Despite how small an achievement may seem to you, it is still a victory; therefore, these victories need to be celebrated. Remember that one small victory at a time adds to your success, empowering you as you move through the healing process.

If you are interested in learning more about family issues therapy or addressing childhood trauma, contact Harmony Bay Wellness at 855-765-6399 to schedule an appointment today. Our experienced mental health professionals can help you address your inner child issues, so you can live the happier, more carefree life you deserve.

Treatment with Harmony Bay

Harmony Bay is an outpatient behavioral health service that offers primary mental health treatment for a variety of mental health disorders. Our mission is to make mental health care convenient and affordable while providing an unmatched experience to our clients. contact us today by calling 855.765.6399.