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Domestic Abuse Therapy

Domestic violence is abuse in a pattern of coercion, intimidation, and violence used for power and control in a household setting. Domestic violence can take place in marriages, intimate partnerships, parent-child relationships, or in other family relationships. Individuals affected by domestic violence can include elders, children, and adults. Violence can be in the form of physical, verbal, emotional, economic, and sexual abuse. Thus, domestic violence therapy is a valuable tool.

Domestic violence can affect people of any age, class, culture, religion, occupation, sexual preference, or race. Research has shown that when one remains in a violent domestic relationship, they are prone to developing psychological and chronic mental health conditions. In addition, when an individual is experiencing domestic violence, patterns of abuse will often increase in severity and frequency over time without help.


domestic abuse

Domestic violence can affect people of any age, class, culture, religion, occupation, sexual preference, as well as race. The cycle of violence can be categorized into three stages: Honeymoon, Tension Building, and Explosion.

The perpetrator wants to build trust and promises to “change” the relationship for the better. As a result, the victim will often minimize their relationship pain and have increased hope that abuse will not happen again.



One can be exposed to different forms of abuse if they are experiencing domestic violence in their relationship.

For example, emotional and psychological abuse can include episodes of:

  • Intimidation and Isolation
  • Possessiveness and Extreme Jealousy
  • Degradation/Criticism
  • Lying
  • Ignoring
  • Name Calling

Physical abuse can be recurrent or limited to incidents of:

  • Pushing, punching, kicking
  • Spitting, shoving, slapping
  • Throwing objects
  • Holding or restraining
  • Using a weapon
  • Sexual abuse can include:
  • Forced sexual intercourse
  • Sexual name-calling
  • Unwanted touch or looks
  • Infidelity


Of course, there is hope for achieving recovery from domestic violence. Our mental health professionals combine compassion with evidence-based mental health therapies to promote lasting healing. In addition, developing safety and trust is imperative for therapeutic healing for those who have experienced domestic violence.


Treatment includes education, safety plan development, experiential groups, and individual therapy. In addition, when necessary, our professionals responsibly administer medications to reduce symptoms of domestic violence.


While looking for the best domestic violence treatment, look no further than Harmony Bay. Our professionals are dedicated to not only helping all clients lead productive lives, but they’re also advocates for reversing the stigma of mental illness in the country. We are proud to provide various mental health treatment services to give our patients the care and support they need and deserve.

Our diverse mental health treatments include:

Don’t let divorce disrupt your or your loved one’s life. Call Harmony Bay today at 855.765.6399. We look forward to helping you.

Treatment Options

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Clinical Mental Health Therapies

Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.

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Intensive Outpatient Program

Intensive Outpatient Program - Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.

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Telehealth Services

Telehealth Services - Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.

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Integrative Welness Servicies

Integrative Welness Servicies - Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.

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Psychiatric Evaluations

Psychiatric Evaluations - Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.

Clinical Mental Health Therapies

Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.

Intensive Outpatient Program

Intensive Outpatient Program - Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.

Telehealth Services

Telehealth Services - Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.

Integrative Welness Servicies

Integrative Welness Servicies - Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.

Psychiatric Evaluations

Psychiatric Evaluations - Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.



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