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Common Techniques to Reduce Stress

Nancy MacGregor MA, ATR-BC, LPC, ACS, Clinical Director

Stress is a problem nation-wide. According to the American Institute of Stress, about one-third of Americans struggle with extreme stress. Moreover, 75% of Americans have been stressed at work in the past month, and it is the leading health concern for high school students. With so much stress in the country, you may need one or more of the common techniques to reduce stress. At Harmony Bay, we know that stress and anxiety can be a significant concern in your life.

At Harmony Bay, we offer stress reduction therapy in order to help people get back to living productive and fulfilling lives. So if you’re seeking therapy or psychiatric care around Cherry Hill, NJ, and the greater South Jersey area to learn how to better cope with stress, explore what we have to offer. 


An internet search can offer dozens of stress reduction techniques with a few clicks of the mouse and strokes on the keyboard. For example, one technique we recommend is to get some physical exercise. Whether you go for a run, do yoga, or lift weights, any physical activity can help you reduce your stress levels. Physical activity releases endorphins, which are the chemicals in the brain that make you feel happy. It also refocuses your mind and improves your mood.

Another of the common techniques to reduce stress is to go out with friends and engage in social activity. Humans are social creatures, and we’re hardwired to crave social interaction. Connecting with friends can give you the support you need and that distracts you from the monotony of everyday life. Moreover, laughing with your friends can take the weight off your shoulders and help you to relax.

Keeping healthy dietary and sleep habits is also one of the most common and effective techniques to reduce stress. This means you should limit your caffeine intake and try to adopt a healthy diet, instead of living off of coffee and greasy takeout foods. Additionally, getting enough sleep is critical. When you’re taking care of your physical health, you’re also improving your mental health. 

Another way to reduce your stress is to get creative. Maybe you like to draw, paint, write, or cook. All of these hobbies exercise the creative side of your brain. As you practice them, you get your mind off of your stress and reduce your mental tension. Similarly, you can play the piano or listen to music. Putting your mind on the music instead of the anxiety can be uplifting. 

Other common techniques to reduce stress include finding ways to relieve yourself of the mental burden by getting it out of your mind and into the universe. For example, you can write down how you’re feeling in a journal — or talk to a therapist.


Voicing your thoughts to a licensed therapist can help you not only get your thoughts out of your head and heard by another person, but that person can also provide neutral advice to help you better understand yourself. Getting your feelings out will allow you to move past them. Moreover, your counselor may be able to point out solutions that you hadn’t noticed or remind you how unlikely your fears are. 

Whichever of the common techniques to reduce stress you choose, it’s vital for you to let go of the anxiety for your physical and mental health. At Harmony Bay, we offer a variety of therapeutic services, including stress reduction. For instance, we provide: 

To learn more about the common techniques to reduce stress, find a therapist in Cherry Hill, NJ. Call Harmony Bay to get started today at [Direct]. 


Treatment with Harmony Bay

Harmony Bay is an outpatient behavioral health service that offers primary mental health treatment for a variety of mental health disorders. Our mission is to make mental health care convenient and affordable while providing an unmatched experience to our clients. contact us today by calling 855.765.6399.