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Sleep Paralysis and Its Connection With Mental Health 

Sleep Paralysis and Its Connection With Mental Health 

If you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night without any control of your body, you may be suffering from sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is a type of abnormal sleep behavior that can leave you feeling very unsettled and anxious. To address this sleep problem, you will want to understand what sleep…

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Revenge Bedtime Procrastination: What is it and How to Break the Pattern

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination: What is it and How to Break the Pattern

If you enjoy a little me time before bed, you are no different from the majority of the population. Enjoying some leisurely time in the evening only becomes an issue when it escalates into something called revenge bedtime procrastination. This can result in you sacrificing your sleep and other areas of your health in favor…

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